品牌索引 产品分类 > 小信号开关二极管> 瞬态电压抑制器TVS/ESD> 双极管二极管> 调谐二极管> 齐纳(稳压)二极管> 小信号肖特基二极管> 频带转换二极管> 中/高功率管> 射频PIN二极管> Sinterglass二极管> 整流器 > N沟道(N-Channel)> P沟道(P-Channel)> 双N沟道(Dual N-Channel)> 双P沟道(Dual P-Channel)> 双N和P沟道(Dual N and P-Channel)
产品介绍 说明
The UC2842A/3A/4A/5A family of control ICs is a pin for pin compatible improved version of the UC2842/3/4/5 family. Providing the necessary features to control current mode switched mode power supplies, this family has the following improved features. Start up current is guaranteed to be less than 0.5 mA. Oscillator discharge is trimmed to 8.3 mA. During under voltage lockout, the output stage can sink at least 10 mA at less than 1.2 V for VCC over 5 V. The difference between members of this family are shown in the table below. 特性