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产品介绍 说明
The TMS320C672x is the next generation of Texas Instruments’ C67x™ family of high-performance 32-/64-bit floating-point digital signal processors. The TMS320C672x includes the TMS320C6727, TMS320C6726, and TMS320C6722 devices.(1) Enhanced C67x+ CPU. The C67x+ CPU is an enhanced version of the C67x CPU used on the C671x DSPs. It is compatible with the C67x CPU but offers significant improvements in speed, code density, and floating-point performance per clock cycle. At 300 MHz, the CPU is capable of a maximum performance of 2400 MIPS/1800 MFLOPS by executing up to eight instructions (six of which are floating-point instructions) in parallel each cycle. The CPU natively supports 32-bit fixed-point, 32-bit single-precision floating-point, and 64-bit double-precision floating-point arithmetic. 特性