品牌索引 产品分类 > 小信号开关二极管> 瞬态电压抑制器TVS/ESD> 双极管二极管> 调谐二极管> 齐纳(稳压)二极管> 小信号肖特基二极管> 频带转换二极管> 中/高功率管> 射频PIN二极管> Sinterglass二极管> 整流器 > N沟道(N-Channel)> P沟道(P-Channel)> 双N沟道(Dual N-Channel)> 双P沟道(Dual P-Channel)> 双N和P沟道(Dual N and P-Channel)
产品介绍 说明
The THS3112/5 are low-noise, high-speed current feedback amplifiers, ideal for any application requiring high output current. The low noninverting current noise of 2.9 pA/√Hz and the low inverting current noise of 10.8pA/√Hz increase signal-to-noise ratios for enhanced signal resolution. The THS3112/5 can operate from ±5-V to ±15-V supply voltages, while drawing as little as 4.5 mA of supply current per channel. It offers low –78-dBc total harmonic distortion driving 2 VPP into a 100- 特性