TC74VCX16646FT Features (Note) • Low-voltage operation: VCC = 1.8 to 3.6 V • High-speed operation: tpd = 2.9 ns (max) (VCC = 3.0 to 3.6 V) : tpd = 3.5 ns (max) (VCC = 2.3 to 2.7 V) : tpd = 7.0 ns (max) (VCC = 1.8 V) • Output current : IOH/IOL = ±24 mA (min) (VCC = 3.0 V) : IOH/IOL = ±18 mA (min) (VCC = 2.3 V) : IOH/IOL = ±6 mA (min) (VCC = 1.8 V) • Latch-up performance: −300 mA • ESD performance: Machine model ≥ ±200 V Human body model ≥ ±2000 V • Package: TSSOP • Bidirectional interface between 2.5 V and 3.3 V signals. • 3.6-V tolerant function and power-down protection provided on all inputs and outputs |