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电 话:0755-83035811
- Emulation system
- Real-time emulation of STM8 MCUs (CPU frequency from 250 Hz up to 50 MHz)
- Application profiling for execution time or number of executions at instruction/source code/function level
- Coverage analysis on code (at instruction/source code/function level) or data (memory locations or variables) for the entire memory space
- Unlimited instruction breakpoints for the entire MCU memory space
- Advanced breakpoints with up to 4 levels of user-configured conditions
- Control of application memory accesses configurable at byte level
- Trace of 128 K records with time stamp
- Non-intrusive read/write on-the-fly to data memory during emulation
- Power supply follower managing STM8 application voltages in range 1.65 to 5.5 V (0.8 V possible for MEB with specific TEB)
- Input trigger and 2 output triggers
- In-circuit debugging/programming via SWIM
- USB 2.0 (high-speed) interface to host PC
- Connection accessories
- CF/Stice_Connect: 60- or 120-pin flexible cable to connect to the application
- AD/Stice_Connect: connection adapter to adapt the connection flex to the target device package
- AS/Stice_Connect: adapter socket soldered onto the application and receiving the AD/Stice_connect