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电 话:0755-83035811
- Memories
- Up to 16 Kbytes of ROM or High Density Flash (HDFlash) program memory with read/write protection, HDFlash In-Circuit and In-Application Programming. 100 write/erase cycles guaranteed, data retention: 40 years at 55°C
- Up to 768 bytes of RAM including up to 128 bytes stack and 256 bytes USB buffer
- Clock, reset and supply management
- 2 power saving modes: Halt and Wait modes
- PLL for generating 48 MHz USB clock using a 4 MHz crystal
- Interrupt management
- Nested Interrupt controller
- USB (Universal Serial Bus) interface
- 256-byte buffer for full speed bulk, control and interrupt transfer types compliant with USB specification (version 2.0)
- On-Chip 3.3V USB voltage regulator and transceivers with software power-down
- 7 USB endpoints:
- One 8-byte Bidirectional Control Endpoint
- 35 or 4 I/O ports
- Up to 4 LED outputs with software programmable constant current (3 or 7 mA).
- 2 General purpose I/Os programmable as interrupts
- Up to 8 line inputs programmable as interrupts
- 1 line assigned by default as static input after reset
- ISO7816-3 UART interface
- Synchronous/Asynchronous protocols (T=0, T=1)
- Automatic retry on parity error
- Programmable baud rate from 372 clock pulses up to 11.625 clock pulses (D=32/F=372)
- Card Insertion/Removal Detection
- Smartcard power supply
- Selectable card VCC 1.8V, 3V, and 5V
- Internal step-up converter for 5V supplied Smartcards (with a current of up to 55mA) using only two external components.
- Programmable Smartcard Internal Voltage Regulator (1.8V to 3.0V) with current overload protection and 4 KV ESD protection (Human Body Model) for all Smartcard Interface I/Os
- One 8-bit timer
- Time Base Unit (TBU) for generating periodic interrupts.
- Development tools
- Full hardware/software development package
- ECOPACK®packages