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电 话:0755-83035811
- Memories
- 4, 8, 16 or 32 Kbytes program memory: high density Flash (HDFlash), FastROM or ROM with Read-Out and Write protection
- In-application programming (IAP) and in-circuit programming (ICP)
- 384, 512 or 1024 bytes RAM memory (128-byte stack)
- Clock, reset and supply management
- Run, Wait, Slow and Halt CPU modes
- Optional low voltage detector (LVD)
- USB (universal serial bus) Interface
- DMA for low speed applications compliant with USB 1.5 Mbs (version 2.0) and HID specifications (version 1.0)
- Integrated 3.3 V voltage regulator and transceivers
- Supports USB DFU class specification
- Suspend and Resume operations
- 3 endpoints with programmable Input/Output configuration
- Up to 27 I/O ports
- Up to 8 high sink I/Os (10 mA at 1.3 V)
- 2 very high sink true open drain I/Os (25 mA at 1.5 V)
- Up to 8 lines individually programmable as interrupt inputs
- 1 analog peripheral
- 8-bit A/D converter with 8 or 12 channels
- 2 timers
- 16-bit timer with 2 Input Captures, 2 Output Compares, PWM output and clock input
- 2 communication Interfaces
- Asynchronous serial communications Interface
- I2C multimaster Interface up to 400 kHz
- Instruction Set
- 8 x 8 unsigned multiply instruction
- Development tools
- Versatile development tools (under Windows) including assembler, linker, C-compiler, archiver, source level debugger, software library, hardware emulator, programming boards and gang programmers, HID and DFU software layers