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电 话:0755-83035811
- Memories
- 32K to 60K dual voltage High Density Flash (HDFlash) or ROM with read-out protection capability. In-Application Programming and In-Circuit Programming for HDFlash devices
- HDFlash endurance: 100 cycles, data retention: 20 years at 55 oC
- Clock, Reset And Supply Management
- Enhanced low voltage supervisor (LVD) for main supply and auxiliary voltage detector (AVD) with interrupt capability
- Clock sources: crystal/ceramic resonator oscillators, internal RC oscillator, clock security system and bypass for external clock
- PLL for 2x frequency multiplication
- Four Power Saving Modes: Halt, Active-Halt,Wait and Slow
- Interrupt Management
- Nested interrupt controller
- 14 interrupt vectors plus TRAP and RESET
- Top Level Interrupt (TLI) pin on 64-pin devices
- 15 external interrupt lines (on 4 vectors)
- Up to 48 I/O Ports
- 48/32 multifunctional bidirectional I/O lines
- 34/22 alternate function lines
- 5 Timers
- Main Clock Controller with: Real time base, Beep and Clock-out capabilities
- Configurable watchdog timer
- Two 16-bit timers with: 2 input captures, 2 output compares, external clock input on one timer, PWM and pulse generator modes
- 8-bit PWM Auto-reload timer with: 2 input captures, 4 PWM outputs, output compare and time base interrupt, external clock with event detector
- 3 Communications Interfaces
- SPI synchronous serial interface
- SCI asynchronous serial interface
- I2C multimaster interface
- 1 Analog peripheral
- 10-bit ADC with up to 16 input ports
- Instruction Set
- 8 x 8 Unsigned Multiply Instruction
- Development Tools
- Full hardware/software development package
- In-Circuit Testing capability