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电 话:0755-83035811
- High-performance e200z4d dual core
- 32-bit Power Architecture®technology CPU
- Core frequency as high as 120 MHz
- Dual issue five-stage pipeline core
- Variable Length Encoding (VLE)
- Memory Management Unit (MMU)
- 4 KB instruction cache with error detection code
- Signal processing engine (SPE)
- Memory available
- 1 MB flash memory with ECC
- 128 KB on-chip SRAM with ECC
- Built-in RWW capabilities for EEPROM emulation
- SIL3/ASILD innovative safety concept: LockStep mode and Fail-safe protection
- Sphere of replication (SoR) for key components (such as CPU core, eDMA, crossbar switch)
- Fault collection and control unit (FCCU)
- Redundancy control and checker unit (RCCU) on outputs of the SoR connected to FCCU
- Boot-time Built-In Self-Test for Memory (MBIST) and Logic (LBIST) triggered by hardware
- Boot-time Built-In Self-Test for ADC and flash memory triggered by software
- Replicated safety enhanced watchdog
- Replicated junction temperature sensor
- Non-maskable interrupt (NMI)
- 16-region memory protection unit (MPU)
- Clock monitoring units (CMU)
- Power management unit (PMU)
- Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) unit
- Decoupled Parallel mode for high-performance use of replicated cores
- Nexus Class 3+ interface
- Interrupts
- Replicated 16-priority controller
- Replicated 16-channel eDMA controller
- GPIOs individually programmable as input, output or special function
- Three 6-channel general-purpose eTimer units
- 2 FlexPWM units
- Four 16-bit channels per module
- Communications interfaces
- 3 DSPI channels with automatic chip select generation
- 2 FlexCAN interfaces (2.0B Active) with 32 message objects
- FlexRay module (V2.1 Rev. A) with 2 channels, 64 message buffers and data rates up to 10 Mbit/s
- Two 12-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)
- Programmable cross triggering unit (CTU) to synchronize ADCs conversion with timer and PWM
- Sine wave generator (D/A with low pass filter)
- On-chip CAN/UART bootstrap loader
- Single 3.0 V to 3.6 V voltage supply
- Ambient temperature range –40 °C to 125 °C
- Junction temperature range –40 °C to 150 °C