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电 话:0755-83035811
e200z4d, 32-bit Power Architecture®
- up to 120MHz and 200MIPs operation
e200z0h, 32-bit Power Architecture
- up to 80MHz and 75MIPs operation
- Up to 3MByte on-chip Flash with ECC
- Up to 256KByte on-chip SRAM with ECC
- 64KByte on-chip Data Flash with ECC
- 16-entry memory protection unit (MPU)
- User selectable Memory BIST
- 255 interrupt sources with 16 priority levels
- Up to 54 ext. IRQ including 30 wake-up
GPIOs: from 147 (QFP176) to 199 (BGA256)
System timer units
- 8-ch. 32-bit periodic interrupt timer (PIT)
- 4-channel 32-bit system timer (STM)
- Safety System Watchdog Timer (SWT)
- Real-time clock timer (RTC/API)
eMIOS, 16-bit counter timed I/O units
- Up to 64 channels with PWM/MC/IC/OC
Two ADC (10-bit and 12-bit)
- Up to 62 channels extendable to 90 ch.
Dedicated diagnostic features for lighting
- Advanced shiffted PWM generation
- ADC conversion synchronized on PWM
Communication interfaces
- Up to 6 FlexCAN with 64 buffers each
- Up to 10 LINFlex/UART channels
- Up to 8 buffered DSPI channels
- One FleyRay (dual-ch.) with 128 buffers
Cryptographic Services Engine (CSE)
- AES-128 en/decryption, CMAC auth.
32-ch. eDMA with multiple request sources
Clock generation
- 4 to 40 MHz main oscillator
- 16 MHz internal RC oscillator
- Software-controlled FMPLL
- 128 kHz internal RC oscillator
- 32 kHz auxiliary oscillator
- Clock Monitoring Unit (CMU)
Low power capabilities
- CAN Sampler to store CAN ID in STBY
- Fast wake-up and exectute from RAM
Exhaustive debugging capability
- Nexus 3+ interface on LBGA256 only
Voltage supply
- Single 5 V or 3.3 V supply
- On-chip Vreg with external ballast transitor
Operating temperature range -40 to 125 °C