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电 话:0755-83035811
- 150 MHz e200z4 Power Architecture core
- Variable length instruction encoding (VLE)
- Superscalar architecture with 2 execution units
- Up to 2 integer or floating point instructions per cycle
- Up to 4 multiply and accumulate operations per cycle
- Memory organization
- 4 MB on-chip flash memory with ECC and Read While Write (RWW)
- 192 KB on-chip RAM with standby functionality (32 KB) and ECC
- 8 KB instruction cache (with line locking), configurable as 2- or 4-way
- 14 + 3 KB eTPU code and data RAM
- 5 × 4 crossbar switch (XBAR)
- External Bus Interface (EBI) with slave and master port
- Fail Safe Protection
- 16-entry Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
- CRC unit with 3 sub-modules
- Junction temperature sensor
- Interrupts
- Configurable interrupt controller (with NMI)
- Serial channels
- 3 × DSPI (2 of which support downstream Micro Second Channel [MSC])
- 3 × FlexCAN with 64 messages each
- 1 × FlexRay module (V2.1) up to 10 Mbit/s with dual or single channel and 128 message objects and ECC
- 1 × eMIOS
- 1 × eTPU2 (second generation eTPU)
- 1 × reaction module (6 channels with three outputs per channel)
- 2 enhanced queued analog-to-digital converters (eQADCs)
- Forty 12-bit input channels (multiplexed on 2 ADCs); expandable to 56 channels with external multiplexers
- 688 ns minimum conversion time
- On-chip CAN/SCI/FlexRay Bootstrap loader with Boot Assist Module (BAM)
- Nexus: Class 3+ for core; Class 1 for the eTPU
- JTAG (5-pin)
- Development Trigger Semaphore (DTS)
- Clock generation
- On-chip 4–40 MHz main oscillator
- On-chip FMPLL (frequency-modulated phase-locked loop)
- Up to 120 general purpose I/O lines
- Individually programmable as input, output or special function
- Programmable threshold (hysteresis)
- Power reduction mode: slow, stop and stand-by modes
- Flexible supply scheme
- 5 V single supply with external ballast
- Multiple external supply: 5 V, 3.3 V and 1.2 V
- Designed for LQFP176, LBGA208, PBGA324 and Known Good Die (KGD)