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电 话:0755-83035811
- High performance 64 MHz e200z0h CPU
- 32-bit Power Architecture®technology CPU
- Variable length encoding (VLE)
- Memory
- Up to 1.5 MB on-chip Code Flash with ECC
- 64 KB on-chip Data Flash with ECC
- Up to 96 KB on-chip SRAM with ECC
- Interrupts
- Up to 51 external interrupts lines including 27 wake-up lines
- 16-channel eDMA (linked to PITs, DSPI, ADCs, eMIOS, LINFlex and I2C)
- GPIOs: from 77 (LQFP100), 121 (LQFP144) and 149 (LQFP176)
- System timer units
- 8-channel 32-bit periodic interrupt timer
- 4-channel 32-bit system timer
- eMIOS, 16-bit counter timed I/O units
- Up to 64 channels with PWM/MC/IC/OC
- ADC diagnostic trigger via CTU
- One 10-bit and one 12-bit ADC with up to 53 channels
- Extendable to 81 channels
- Individual conversion registers
- Dedicated diagnostic module for lighting
- Time-triggered diagnostic
- PWM-synchronized ADC measurements
- On-chip CAN/UART bootstrap loader
- Communication interfaces
- Up to 6 FlexCAN interfaces (2.0B active) with 64-message objects each
- Up to 10 LINFlex/UART channels
- Up to 6 buffered DSPI channels
- Clock generation
- 4 to 16 MHz fast external crystal oscillator
- 32 kHz slow external crystal oscillator
- 16 MHz fast internal RC oscillator
- 128 kHz slow internal RC oscillator for low power modes
- Software-controlled FMPLL
- Low power capabilities
- Several low power mode configurations
- Ultra-low power standby with RTC and communication
- Exhaustive debugging capability
- Nexus 2+ interface on LBGA208 package
- Voltage supply
- Single 5 V or 3.3 V supply
- On-chip voltage regulator
- External ballast resistor support
- LQFP100, LQFP144, and LQFP176 packages; LBGA208 package for Nexus2+
- Operating temperature range –40 to 125 °C