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产品介绍 SN75LBC182 说明
The SN65LBC182 and SN75LBC182 are differential data line transceivers with a high level of ESD protection in the trade-standard footprint of the SN75176. They are designed for balanced transmission lines and meet ANSI standard TIA/EIA-485-A and ISO 8482. The SN65LBC182 and SN75LBC182 combine a 3-state, differential line driver and differential input line receiver, both of which operate from a single 5-V power supply. The driver and receiver have active-high and active-low enables, respectively, which can be externally connected together to function as a direction control. The driver outputs and the receiver inputs connect internally to form a differential input/output (I/O) bus port that is designed to offer minimum loading to the bus. 特性