品牌索引 产品分类 > 小信号开关二极管> 瞬态电压抑制器TVS/ESD> 双极管二极管> 调谐二极管> 齐纳(稳压)二极管> 小信号肖特基二极管> 频带转换二极管> 中/高功率管> 射频PIN二极管> Sinterglass二极管> 整流器 > N沟道(N-Channel)> P沟道(P-Channel)> 双N沟道(Dual N-Channel)> 双P沟道(Dual P-Channel)> 双N和P沟道(Dual N and P-Channel)
These devices are monolithic low-power Schottky quadruple line receivers designed to satisfy the requirements of the standard interface between data-terminal equipment and data-communication equipment as defined by TIA/EIA-232-F. A separate response-control (CONT) terminal is provided for each receiver. A resistor or a resistor and bias-voltage source can be connected between this terminal and ground to shift the input threshold levels. An external capacitor can be connected between this terminal and ground to provide input noise filtering. The SN55189 and SN55189A are characterized for operation over the full military temperature range of -55°C to 125°C. The MC1489, MC1489A, SN75189, and SN75189A are characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C. 特性