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The SN74CBT16800C is a high-speed TTL-compatible FET bus switch with low ON-state resistance (ron), allowing for minimal propagation delay. Active Undershoot-Protection Circuitry on the A and B ports of the SN74CBT16800C provides protection for undershoot up to –2 V by sensing an undershoot event and ensuring that the switch remains in the proper OFF state. The device also precharges the B port to a user-selectable bias voltage (BIASV) to minimize live-insertion noise. The SN74CBT16800C is organized as two 10-bit bus switches with separate output-enable (1OE\, 2OE\) inputs. It can be used as two 10-bit bus switches or as one 20-bit bus switch. When OE\ is low, the associated 10-bit bus switch is ON, and the A port is connected to the B port, allowing bidirectional data flow between ports. 特性