首 页 > 产品展示 > 传感器
MAX6662 | maxim | 12-Bit + Sign Temperature Sensor with
SPI-Compatible Serial Interface | 查看 |
MAX6662 | maxim | 12-Bit + Sign Temperature Sensor with
SPI-Compatible Serial Interface | 查看 |
MAX6655/MAX6656 | maxim | Dual Remote/Local Temperature Sensors and
Four-Channel Voltage Monitors | 查看 |
MAX6654 | maxim | 1°C Accurate Remote/Local Temperature
Sensor with SMBus Serial Interface | 查看 |
MAX6652 | maxim | Temperature Sensor and System Monitor
in a 10-Pin μMAX | 查看 |
MAX6648/MAX6692 | maxim | Precision SMBus-Compatible Remote/Local
Temperature Sensors with Overtemperature Alarms | 查看 |
MAX6642 | maxim | ±1°C, SMBus-Compatible Remote/Local
Temperature Sensor with Overtemperature Alarm | 查看 |
MAX6638 | maxim | Temperature Monitor with
Dual Serial Interface | 查看 |
MAX6636 | maxim | 7-Channel Precision Temperature Monitor | 查看 |