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产品介绍 MAXQ2010Features
♦ High-Performance, Low-Power, 16-Bit MAXQ® RISC Core ♦ DC to 10MHz Operation, Approaching 1MIPS per MHz ♦ 2.7V to 3.6V Operating Voltage ♦ 33 Instructions, Most Single Cycle ♦ Three Independent Data Pointers Accelerate Data Movement with Automatic Increment/Decrement ♦ 16-Level Hardware Stack ♦ 16-Bit Instruction Word, 16-Bit Data Bus ♦ 16 x 16-Bit General-Purpose Working Registers ♦ Optimized for C-Compiler (High-Speed/Density Code) ♦ On-Chip FLL Reduces External Clock Frequency ♦ Memory Features 64KB Flash Memory (In-Application and In-System Programmable) 2KB Internal Data RAM JTAG Bootloader for Programming and Debug ♦ Peripheral Features 12-Bit SAR ADC with Internal Reference and Autoscan Eight Single-Ended or Four Differential Inputs Up to 312.5ksps Sample Rate Supply Voltage Monitor with Adjustable Threshold One-Cycle, 16 x 16 Hardware Multiply/Accumulate with 48-Bit Accumulator Three 16-Bit Programmable Timers/Counters with PWM Outputs 32-Bit Binary Real-Time Clock with Digital Trim Capability Integrated LCD 160 Segments No External Resistors Required Two USARTs, I2C Master/Slave, and SPI™ Master/ Slave Communications Ports On-Chip Power-On Reset/Brownout Reset Programmable Watchdog Timer ♦ Low Power Consumption 1mA (typ) at 1MHz Flash Operation at 2.7V 370nA (typ) in Stop Mode Low-Power Power-Management Mode (PMM) |