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产品介绍 MAXQ1050Features
S High-Performance, Low-Power, 32-Bit MAXQ30 RISC Core S Operates from USB Power or Single 3.3V Supply S Runs from 20MHz (typ) Internal Oscillator S Supports External 12/24MHz Crystal Oscillator for Microcontroller and USB Operation S On-Chip 2x/4x Clock Multiplier S 16-Bit Instruction Word, 32-Bit Internal Data Bus S 16 x 32-Bit Accumulators S 16 x 32-Bit General-Purpose Working Registers S Up to 20 General-Purpose I/O Pins S 5V Tolerant I/O S Virtually Unlimited Software Stack S Optimized for C-Compiler (High-Speed/Density Code) S Memory 128KB Flash Memory, 512 x 32 Page Size Flash Memory Supports 20k Erase/Write Cycles per Sector 256B of Secure NV SRAM 4KB Battery-Backed NV SRAM 12KB SRAM Secure JTAG/TAP for In-System Programming S Security Unique 64-Bit Serial Number Tamper Detection with Rapid Key/Data Destruction Secret Key Destruction on Tamper Events Permanent Loader Lockout Option Proprietary Code Scrambling Technique Using Random Keys Hardware Accelerators for AES, RSA, DSA, ECDSA, DES, 3DES, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256 True Hardware Random-Number Generator Temperature and Voltage Sensors to Detect Attacks Two Self-Destruct Input Pins S Additional Peripherals Power-Fail Warning Power-On-Reset/Brownout Reset JTAG I/F for System Programming and Accessing On-Chip Debugger Full-Speed USB Device with Six Endpoint Buffers and Integrated Transceiver ISO 7816 Smart Card UART with FIFO 16-Bit Programmable Timers/Counters with Prescaler, Capture/Compare, and PWM SPI Master/Slave Hardware Programmable Watchdog Timer Up to 20 General-Purpose I/O Pins with Eight External Interrupts |