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产品介绍 MAX803L/M/R/S/T/Z, MAX809J/L/M/R/S/T/Z, MAX810L/M/R/S/T/ZFeatures
♦ Precision Monitoring of +2.5V, +3V, +3.3V, and +5V Power-Supply Voltages ♦ Fully Specified Over Temperature ♦ Available in Three Output Configurations Open-Drain RESET Output (MAX803) Push-Pull RESET Output (MAX809) Push-Pull RESET Output (MAX810) ♦ 140ms min Power-On Reset Pulse Width ♦ 12μA Supply Current ♦ Guaranteed Reset Valid to VCC = +1V ♦ Power Supply Transient Immunity ♦ No External Components ♦ 3-Pin SC70 and SOT23 Packages |