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产品介绍 MAX3946Features
S 225mW Power Dissipation Enables < 1W SFP+ Modules S Up to 100mW Power Consumption Reduction by Enabling the Use of Unmatched FP/DFB TOSAs S Supports SFF-8431 SFP+ MSA and SFF-8472 Digital Diagnostic S 225mW Power Dissipation at 3.3V (IMOD = 40mA, IBIAS = 60mA Assuming 25I TOSA) S Single +3.3V Power Supply S Up to 11.3Gbps (NRZ) Operation S Programmable Modulation Current from 10mA to 100mA (5I Load) S Programmable Bias Current from 5mA to 80mA S Programmable Input Equalization S Programmable Output Deemphasis S 25I Output Back Termination at TOUT+ and TOUTS DJ Performance 7psP-P with Mismatched Differential Load (5I) S DJ Performance 5psP-P with Mismatched Differential Load (25I) S DJ Performance 5psP-P with 50I Differential Load S Programmable Pulse Width S Edge Transition Times of 22ps S Bias Current Monitor S Integrated Eye Safety Features S 3-Wire Digital Interface S -40°C to +95°C Operation |