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产品介绍 MAX1519/MAX1545Features
♦ Dual-Phase, Quick-PWM Controllers ♦ ±0.75% VOUT Accuracy Over Line, Load, and Temperature (1.3V) ♦ Active Voltage Positioning with Adjustable Gain and Offset ♦ 5-Bit On-Board DAC Mobile: 0.60V to 1.75V Output Range Desktop: 1.10V to 1.85V Output Range ♦ Selectable 100kHz/200kHz/300kHz/550kHz Switching Frequency ♦ 4V to 28V Battery Input Voltage Range ♦ Adjustable Slew-Rate Control ♦ Drive Large Synchronous Rectifier MOSFETs ♦ Output Overvoltage Protection (MAX1545 Only) ♦ Undervoltage and Thermal-Fault Protection ♦ Power Sequencing and Timing ♦ Selectable Suspend Voltage (0.675V to 1.45V) ♦ Soft-Shutdown ♦ Selectable Single- or Dual-Phase Pulse Skipping |