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产品介绍 MAX1365/MAX1367Features
♦ Stand-Alone, Digital Panel Meter 20-Bit Sigma-Delta ADC 4.5-Digit Resolution (±19,999 Count, MAX1365) 3.5-Digit Resolution (±1999 Count, MAX1367) No Integrating/Autozeroing Capacitors 100MΩ Input Impedance ±200mV or ±2.000V Input Range ♦ LED Display Common-Cathode 7-Segment LED Driver Programmable LED Current (0 to 20mA) 2.5Hz Update Rate ♦ Output DAC and Current Driver ±15-Bit DAC with 14-Bit Linear V/I Converter Selectable 0 to 16mA or 4–20mA Current Output Unipolar/Bipolar Modes ±50μA Zero Scale, ±40ppmFS/°C (typ) ±0.5% Gain Error, ±25ppmFS/°C (typ) Separate 7V to 30V Supply for Current-Loop Output ♦ 2.7V to 5.25V ADC/DAC Supply ♦ 4.75V to 5.25V V/I Converter Supply ♦ Internal 2.048V Reference or External Reference ♦ 48-Pin, 7mm x 7mm TQFP Package |