首 页 > 产品展示 > 集成电路 > 逻辑电路
NB6L11 | ON Semiconductor | 2.5 V/3.3 V Multilevel Input to
Differential LVPECL/LVNECL
1:2 Clock or Data
Fanout Buffer/Tra... | 查看 |
NB6HQ14M | ON Semiconductor | 2.5V 5GHz / 6.5Gbps
Differential Input to 1.8V /
2.5V 1:4 CML Clock / Data
Fanout Buffer w/ Se... | 查看 |
NB4N855S | ON Semiconductor | 3.3 V, 1.5 Gb/s Dual
AnyLevel™ to LVDS
Translator | 查看 |
NB4N527S | ON Semiconductor | 3.3V, 2.5Gb/s Dual
AnyLevel™ to LVDS
Translator with Internal
I... | 查看 |
NB4N316M | ON Semiconductor | 3.3 V AnyLevel Receiver
to CML Driver/Translator
with Input Hysteresis | 查看 |
NB4N121K | ON Semiconductor | 3.3V Differential In 1:21
Differential Fanout Clock
Driver with HCSL level
Output | 查看 |
NB4N11M | ON Semiconductor | 3.3 V 2.5 Gb/s Multi Level
Clock/Data Input to CML
Receiver/ Buffer/ Translator | 查看 |
NB4N1158 | ON Semiconductor | Link Replicator for Fibre
Channel, Gigabit Ethernet,
HDTV and SATA | 查看 |
NB4N111K | ON Semiconductor | 3.3V Differential In 1:10
Differential Fanout Clock
Driver with HCSL Level
Output | 查看 |
NB4L16M | ON Semiconductor | 2.5V/3.3V, 5 Gb/s Multi Level
Clock/Data Input to CML
Driver / Receiver / Buffer/
Translator w... | 查看 |
NB3N551 | ON Semiconductor | 3.3 V / 5.0 V
Ultra-Low Skew
1:4 Clock Fanout Buffer | 查看 |
NB3L553 | ON Semiconductor | 2.5 V / 3.3 V / 5.0 V
1:4 Clock Fanout Buffer | 查看 |
NB100LVEP224 | ON Semiconductor | 2.5V/3.3V 1:24 Differential
ECL/PECL Clock Driver with
Clock Select and Output
Enable | 查看 |
NB100LVEP222 | ON Semiconductor | 2.5 V/3.3 V 1:15 Differential
ECL/PECL ÷1/÷2 Clock Driver | 查看 |