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电 话:0755-83035811
- One full bridge for 6 A load (RON= 150 mΩ)
- Two half bridges for 3 A load (RON= 300 mΩ)
- Two half bridges for 0.5 A load (RON= 1600 mΩ)
- One high-side driver for 5 A load (RON= 100 mΩ)
- One configurable high-side driver for up to 1.5 A (RON= 500 mΩ) or 0.35 A (RON= 1600 mΩ) load
- One configurable high-side driver for 0.7 A (RON= 800 mΩ) or 0.35 A (RON= 1600 mΩ) load
- Two high-side drivers for 0.5 A load (RON= 1600 mΩ)
- Programmable softstart function to drive loads with higher inrush currents as current limitation value
- Very low VScurrent consumption in standby mode (IS< 6 μA typ; Tj≤ 85 °C)
- Current monitor output for all high-side drivers
- Central two-stage charge pump
- Motor bridge driver with full Rdsondown to 6 V
- Device contains temperature warning and protection
- Open-load detection for all outputs
- Overcurrent protection for all outputs
- Separated half bridges for door lock motor
- Programmable PWM control of all outputs
- STM standard serial peripheral interface (ST-SPI 3.1)
- Control block for electrochromic element
- Electrochromic element can be negatively discharged
- Prepared for additional fail-safe path for H-bridge