Integrated NV SRAM, Real-Time Clock
(RTC), Crystal, Power-Fail Control Circuit,
and Lithium Energy Source
Clock Registers are Accessed Identically to
the Static RAM; These Registers Reside in
the 16 Top RAM Locations
Century Byte Register (i.e., Y2K Compliant)
Totally Nonvolatile with Over 10 Years of
Operation in the Absence of Power
Precision Power-On Reset
Programmable Watchdog Timer and RTC
BCD-Coded Year, Month, Date, Day, Hours,
Minutes, and Seconds with Automatic Leap-
Year Compensation Valid Up to the Year
Battery Voltage-Level Indicator Flag
Power-Fail Write Protection Allows for ±10%
VCC Power-Supply Tolerance
Lithium Energy Source is Electrically
Disconnected to Retain Freshness Until
Power is Applied for the First Time
Also Available in Industrial Temperature
Range: -40°C to +85°C