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MC100EPT20 | ON Semiconductor | 3.3V LVTTL/LVCMOS to
Differential LVPECL
Translator | 查看 |
DS31407 | maxim | 3-Input, 4-Output, Single DPLL Timing IC
with Sub-ps Output Jitter | 查看 |
MC10EPT20 | ON Semiconductor | 3.3V LVTTL/LVCMOS to
Differential LVPECL
Translator | 查看 |
MC100EP91 | ON Semiconductor | 2.5 V/3.3 V Any Level
Positive Input to
-3.3 V/-5.5 V NECL Output
Translator | 查看 |
DS31406 | maxim | 2-Input, 14-Output, Single DPLL Timing IC
with Sub-ps Output Jitter | 查看 |
MC100EP90 | ON Semiconductor | −3.3V / −5VTriple ECL Input
Translator | 查看 |
MC10EP90 | ON Semiconductor | −3.3V / −5VTriple ECL Input
Translator | 查看 |
DS31404 | maxim | 4-Input, 8-Output, Dual DPLL Timing IC
with Sub-ps Output Jitter | 查看 |
MC100ELT28 | ON Semiconductor | 5 V TTL to Differential
PECL and Differential PECL
to TTL Translator | 查看 |
MC10ELT28 | ON Semiconductor | 5 V TTL to Differential
PECL and Differential PECL
to TTL Translator | 查看 |
DS31400 | maxim | 8-Input, 14-Output, Dual DPLL Timing IC
with Sub-ps Output Jitter | 查看 |
MC100ELT25 | ON Semiconductor | -5 V Differential ECL to TTL
Transla | 查看 |
MC10ELT25 | ON Semiconductor | -5 V Differential ECL to TTL
Translator | 查看 |
MC100ELT24 | ON Semiconductor | 5V TTL to Differential
ECL Translator | 查看 |
MC10ELT24 | ON Semiconductor | 5V TTL to Differential
ECL Translator | 查看 |