■ USB 2.0 hub controller
■ Automotive and Industrial Grade option (–40 °C to 85 °C)
■ Compliant with the USB 2.0 specification
■ USB-IF certified: TID# 30000009
■ Windows Hardware Quality Lab (WHQL) compliant
■ Up to four downstream ports supported
■ Supports bus powered and self powered modes
■ Single transaction translator (TT)
■ Bus power configurations
■ Fit, form, and function compatible with CY7C65640 and
CY7C65640A (TetraHub™)
■ Space saving 56-pin QFN
■ Single power supply requirement
❐ Internal regulator for reduced cost
■ Integrated upstream pull-up resistor
■ Integrated pull-down resistors for all downstream ports
■ Integrated upstream and downstream termination resistors
■ Integrated port status indicator control
■ 24 MHz external crystal (integrated phase locked loop (PLL))
■ In-system EEPROM programming
■ Configurable with external SPI EEPROM:
❐ Vendor ID, Product ID, Device ID (VID/PID/DID)
❐ Number of active ports
❐ Number of removable ports
❐ Maximum power setting for high speed and full speed
❐ Hub controller power setting
❐ Power on timer
❐ Overcurrent detection mode
❐ Enabled and disabled overcurrent timer
❐ Overcurrent pin polarity
❐ Indicator pin polarity
❐ Compound device
❐ Enable full speed only
❐ Disable port indicators
❐ Ganged power switching
❐ Self and bus powered compatibility
❐ Fully configurable string descriptors for multiple language