品牌索引 产品分类 > 小信号开关二极管> 瞬态电压抑制器TVS/ESD> 双极管二极管> 调谐二极管> 齐纳(稳压)二极管> 小信号肖特基二极管> 频带转换二极管> 中/高功率管> 射频PIN二极管> Sinterglass二极管> 整流器 > N沟道(N-Channel)> P沟道(P-Channel)> 双N沟道(Dual N-Channel)> 双P沟道(Dual P-Channel)> 双N和P沟道(Dual N and P-Channel)
The ’HC4049 and ’HC4050 are fabricated with high-speed silicon gate technology. They have a modified input protection structure that enables these parts to be used as logic level translators which convert high-level logic to a low-level logic while operating off the low-level logic supply. For example, 15-V input pulse levels can be down-converted to 0-V to 5-V logic levels. The modified input protection structure protects the input from negative electrostatic discharge. These parts also can be used as simple buffers or inverters without level translation. The ’HC4049 and ’HC4050 are enhanced versions of equivalent CMOS types. 特性