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公司简介 1987 年,两家历史悠久的半导体公司 - 意大利SGS Microelettronica和法国汤姆逊半导体公司(Thomson Semiconducteurs)- 合并成立了今天的意法半导体公司,1994年起成为上市公司,公司股票在纽约证券交易所(NYSE:STM)、泛欧巴黎证券交易所和意大利米兰证券交易所挂牌上市。
公司总部设在瑞士日内瓦,同时也是欧洲、中东及非洲区(EMEA)总部。 美洲总部设在德克萨斯州达拉斯市的卡罗顿;大中华及南亚区总部设在上海;日本及韩国区总部设在东京。
官方网站: |
STM8T143 | ST | STM8T143:Single-channel capacitive sensor for touch and proximity detection | 查看 |
STM8TL53C4 | ST | STM8TL53C4:8-bit, ultra-low-power, touch-sensing MCUs with 16-Kbyte Flash and proximity detection | 查看 |
STM8TL53G4 | ST | STM8TL53G4:8-bit, ultra-low-power, touch-sensing MCUs with 16-Kbyte Flash and proximity detection | 查看 |
STM8S103F2 | ST | STM8S103F2:Mainstream Access line 8-bit MCU with 4 Kbytes Flash, 16 MHz CPU, integrated EEPROM | 查看 |
STM8S103F2 | ST | STM8S103F2:Mainstream Access line 8-bit MCU with 4 Kbytes Flash, 16 MHz CPU, integrated EEPROM | 查看 |
STM8S105K6 | ST | STM8S105K6:Mainstream Access line 8-bit MCU with 16 Kbytes Flash, 16 MHz CPU, integrated EEPROM | 查看 |
STM8S105S6 | ST | STM8S105S6:Mainstream Access line 8-bit MCU with 16 Kbytes Flash, 24 MHz CPU, integrated EEPROM | 查看 |
STM8L151K3 | ST | STM8L151K3:Ultra-low-power 8-bit MCU with 8 Kbytes Flash, 16 MHz CPU, integrated EEPROM | 查看 |
STM8AF52AA | ST | STM8AF52AA:Automotive CAN and LIN line 8-bit MCU with 128 Kbytes Flash, 24 MHz CPU, integrated E... | 查看 |
STM8AF52A8 | ST | STM8AF52A8:Automotive CAN and LIN line 8-bit MCU with 128 Kbytes Flash, 24 MHz CPU, integrated EE... | 查看 |
STM8AF62A9 | ST | STM8AF62A9:Automotive LIN line 8-bit MCU with 128 Kbytes Flash, 24 MHz CPU, integrated EEPROM | 查看 |
STM8AF6269 | ST | STM8AF6269:Automotive LIN line 8-bit MCU with 32 Kbytes Flash, 24 MHz CPU, integrated EEPROM | 查看 |
STM8AF6288 | ST | STM8AF6288:Automotive LIN line 8-bit MCU with 64 Kbytes Flash, 24 MHz CPU, integrated EEPROM | 查看 |
STM8AF6246 | ST | STM8AF6246:Automotive LIN line 8-bit MCU with 16 Kbytes Flash, 16 MHz CPU, integrated EEPROM | 查看 |