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首 页 > 品牌索引 (939)microchip Microchip Technology Inc.是全球领先的单片机和模拟半导体供应商,为全球数以千计的消费类产品提供低风险的产品开发、更低的系统总成本和更快的上市时间。公司总部位于亚利桑那州Chandler市,Microchip提供出色的技术支持、可靠的产品和卓越的质量。 (9)micrel Micrel Inc., is a leading manufacturer of IC solutions for the worldwide analog, Ethernet and high bandwidth markets. The Company's products include high performance analog, power, advanced mixed-signal and radio frequency semiconductors; high speed communication, clock management, Ethernet switch and physical layer transceiver integrated circuits. These products address a wide range of rapidly growing end markets including cellular handsets, portable and enterprise computing, enterprise and home networking, wide area and metropolitan area networks and industrial equipment (2473)maxim Maxim是高集成度模拟与混合信号半导体厂商,年销售额高达19.2亿美元,我们是成长速度最快的模拟半导体厂商。 以创新著称 29个重要产品领域 集成工艺的领导者—160种半导体工艺 250种封装类型 与客户共同开发500款ASIC器件 财务实力 FY2010,年销售额19.2亿美元 FY2011 Q3,资产高达34.5亿美元 FY2011 Q3,拥有现金9.18亿美元 销售额的23.8%用于研发 财富1000强公司 位于NASDAQ 100公司列表、Russell 1000和MSCI USA指数 里程碑 1983 由Jack Gifford等IC行业专家创建 1985 推出MAX600首款专有产品并赢得行业大奖,从此步入27年的技术创新里程 1987 公司开始盈利并始终保持盈利状况 1993 年销售额突破1亿美元大关 1994 公司实施首次并购,扩充了技术实力并创建了公司的首个晶圆厂 2000 高集成度片上系统(SoC)开始替代单一功能IC 2005 公司进入财富1000强 2007至2010 我们并购了六家公司,在增强技术实力的同时也扩充了产品线 2007至2010 晶圆厂产出能力扩大60% 2007至2010 开发出180nm生产工艺 2007至2010 公司巩固其创新能力,赢得多项产品大奖 2008 首席技术团队成立,专利数在后续两年增长50% 2010 年营业额达到22亿美元 2010 公司的300mm晶圆模拟产品开始出货 2010 Maxim荣获NEDA最佳供应商年度奖 收购 1994 Tektronix位于Beaverton, Oregon的半导体公司—扩充晶圆厂和高速集成工艺 2001 Dallas Semiconductor—增强公司的数字设计技术实力并扩充了工厂 2008 Vitesse Storage—增添SATA和SAS扩展器、机箱管理和主板管理产品 2009 Innova Card—扩充Maxim的安全交易产品线 2009 Zilog Secure Trans—扩充超低功耗IR微控制器,增添无线通信微控制器产品,进一步巩固Maxim在POS和ATM市场的领先地位 2009 Mobilygen—为Maxim产品线增添H.264视频压缩技术 2010 Teridian—智能电表市场的领导者,提供电能测量与通信电子产品 2010 Phyworks—扩充Maxim的光收发器产品线,在高速信号完整性产品领域获得新的机遇 (254)LT 凌力尔特公司设计、制造和销售门类宽泛的标准高性能集成电路产品线。该公司产品的应用领域包括电信、蜂窝电话、网络产品、笔记本电脑和台式电脑、视频/多媒体、工业仪表、汽车电子、工厂自动化、过程控制、以及军事和空间系统。该公司的主要产品门类涵盖放大器、电池管理、数据转换器、高频、接口、电压调节器和电压基准。 Linear Technology Corporation designs, manufactures and markets a broad line of standard high performance integrated circuits. Applications for the Company's products include telecommunications, cellular telephones, networking products, notebook and desktop computers, video/multimedia, industrial instrumentation, automotive electronics, factory automation, process control, and military and space systems. The Company's principal product categories include amplifiers, battery management, data converters, high frequency, interface, voltage regulators and voltage references. (421)issi Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. (ISSI) A technology leader, designs, develops and markets high performance integrated circuits for the following key markets: (i) digital consumer electronics, (ii) networking, (iii) mobile communications, and (iv) automotive electronics. And (v) industrial/medical electronics. Our primary products are high speed and low power SRAM and low and medium density DRAM. We also design and market EEPROM and Smartcards, and we are developing selected non-memory products focused on our key markets. We target high growth markets with our low costcost-effective, high quality semiconductor products and seek to build long-term relationships with our customers. We have been a committed long-term supplier of memory products, including lower density and smaller volume products, even through periods of tight manufacturing capacity. (7)IR International Rectifier (IR) (Symbol:IRF--NYSE) is a pioneer and world leader in advanced power management technology, from digital, analog and mixed-signal ICs to advanced circuit devices, power systems and components. The world's leading manufacturers of computers, appliances, automobiles, consumer electronics and defense systems rely on IR technology to drive the performance and efficiency of their products. Today, power management technology plays a more important role than ever in saving the world's dwindling energy reserves while tackling tough technology roadblocks. (879)intersil Intersil Corporation is a global technology leader specializing in the design and manufacture of high performance analog semiconductors. Based in Milpitas, California, Intersil’s mission is to become a premier high performance analog company. Built on a solid foundation, with many years of analog experience, the company’s continued focus on leading in attractive high performance analog markets — while increasing profitability and cash flow — will provide Intersil a sustainable long-term model for success. Intersil began its transformation into a high performance analog company in 2003 with the divestiture of its wireless business. Intersil products address three of the industry’s fastest growing markets — flat panel displays, optical storage (for CD and DVD recordable products) and power management. Our product strategy is focused on broadening its portfolio of Application Specific Standard Products (ASSP) and General Purpose Proprietary Products (GPPP) targeted for four high-growth markets — Communications, Computing, High End Consumer and Industrial. Intersil's leadership products include amplifiers, analog front ends, communication interfaces, data converters, digital potentiometers, display solutions, DSL solutions, optical storage products, power management products, power sequencers, real time clocks, smart batteries, switches/MUX's, VoIP products and ICs for military, space and rad-hard applications. If you wish to see more detailed information about Intersil’s expanded portfolio of products, you will find completely integrated product trees and technical information on our web site www.intersil.com (4)IDT Integrated Device Technology(IDT)成立于1980年,为推动数字媒体体验开发混合信号半导体解决方案。公司的重点在于提供智能电源解决方案,在最大限度地提高设备性能的同时优化系统级性能。我们广泛的产品和解决方案组合可实现数字媒体的传输、处理、交付和体验。对于当前和下一代通信、计算和消费应用,IDT 的创新能力与专长有助于客户在下载时间、功效、处理、质量和可靠性方面实现重要进展。 (1)avago 安华高科技领先业内推出可在延伸温度范围工作的 10 Gb/s SFP+ 收发器产品线 (Avago Technologies) 是世界上最大的非上市独立半导体公司。我们是为全球提供丰富的模拟、混合信号和光电器件及子系统的领导厂商。我们在 2005 财年的营业收入达18亿美元,根据无晶圆半导体行业协会 (FSA) 的统计,我们是世界上第七大无晶圆半导体公司。Avago Technologies凭借可以追溯到安捷伦/惠普公司的40余年的产品创新的传统,开发出了丰富的知识产权系列,拥有2,000多项专利技术和专利申请。 |