Company Name New Japan Radio Co.,Ltd. Established September 8 ,1959 Main Office 3-10, Nihonbashi Yokoyama-cho,Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8456, Japan TEL: + 81-3-5642-8222 / FAX: + 81-3-5642-8220 Capital 5,220,075,750 yen (as of March 31,2010) Number of stocks issued 39,131,000 (as of March 31,2010) Stock Exchange Listing September 2,2002 1st Section,Tokyo Stock Exchange Net Sales 40,287 millions of yen(Consolidated) 33,439 millions of yen(Non-Consolidated) *for the year ending March 31, 2010 Number of Employees 3,163(Consolidated) 1,603(Non-Consolidated) *for the year ending March 31, 2010 Main products Products Microwave tubes and Radar Components Microwave tubes (Magnetrons, CFAs, TWTs, Klystrons, TR tubes) Radar Components,Cathodes (Barium Impregnated Cathode) Microwave application products Microwave Components (BUC and LNB for VSAT, FWA RF Unit for Terrestrial Communications, Sensor Module for Security) Semiconductors Integrated Circuits (Bipolar, CMOS, Bi-CMOS) Semiconductor-Devices (Optoelectronic Devices, GaAs IC/FET)
官方网站:http://semicon.njr.co.jp/zh/index.html |