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产品介绍 AD8432
FEATURES Low noise Input voltage noise: 0.85 nV/√Hz Current noise: 2.0 pA/√Hz High speed 200 MHz bandwidth (G = 12.04 dB) 295 V/μs slew rate Selectable gain G = 12.04 dB (×4) G = 18.06 dB (×8) G = 21.58 dB (×12) G = 24.08 dB (×16) Active input impedance matching Integrated input clamp diodes Single-ended input, differential output Supply range: 4.5 V to 5.5 V Low power: 60 mW/channel APPLICATIONS CW Doppler ultrasound front ends Low noise preamplification Predriver for I/Q demodulators and phase shifters Wideband analog-to-digital drivers |