80515 Core:
1 clock cycle per instruction (most instructions)
CPU clocked up to 24MHz
32kB Flash memory with security
2kB XRAM (User Data Memory)
256 byte IRAM
Hardware watchdog timer
Single low-cost 6MHz to 12MHz crystal
An Internal PLL provides all the necessary clocks to each block of the system
Standard 80C515 4-priority level structure
9 different sources of interrupt to the core
Power Down Modes:
2 standard 80C515 Power Down and IDLE modes
Extensive device power down mode
(2) Standard 80C52 timers T0 and T1
(1) 16-bit timer
Built-in ISO-7816 Card Interface:
Linear regulator produces VCC for the card (1.8V, 3V or 5V)
Full compliance with EMV 4.1
Activation/Deactivation sequencers
Auxiliary I/O lines (C4 and C8 signals)
7kV ESD protection on all interface pins
Communication with Smart Cards:
ISO-7816 UART for protocols T=0, T=1
(2) 2-Byte FIFOs for transmit and receive
Configured to drive multiple external Teridian 73S8010x interfaces (for multi-SAM architectures)